The Ultimate sensory deprivation experience.

What is a Float Tank?
A floatation tank is a lightless, soundless tank filled with highly concentrated Epsom salt water, heated to skin temperature.
Floatation, also known as sensory deprivation, is simply the act of relaxing in a floatation tank; with all sights and sounds removed, and drifting into a meditative state that rejuvenates your mind and body.
Floating is achieved by adding a high concentration of Epsom salts to the water. Much like in the Dead Sea this raises the density and buoyancy of the water. Float tanks will use around 1000 litres of water and 550 kg of magnesium and sulphate-rich Epsom salts thereby increasing the specific gravity for the solution to around 1.27. It is this change to the density that adds buoyancy to the water and allows you to float.
Epsom salts allow the float tank user to float but also do so much more. Ancient wisdom tells us that Epsom salts are an effective cure-all with benefits including stress relief along with easing aches and pains. Epsom salts are rich in magnesium, which is the second most abundant element in the human body and one that is vital to good health and well being. When floating, the Epsom salt solution helps with lymph drainage and promotes the absorption of magnesium.
Sadly, most of the population does not meet the recommended allowance for dietary magnesium. Modern agriculture and diet have radically reduced the magnesium in the body whilst modern consumption levels of fat, sugar and salt all work to more rapidly deplete magnesium.
Our float tank is duel filtered including UV filtration which allows us to use zero chlorine and a minimal amount of hydrogen peroxide to help with water maintenance.
Benefits of Floating
- Stimulates the release of endorphins
- Creates calm and total relaxation
- Rejuvenates the mind and body
- Alleviates mental and physical stress
- Helps with fatigue and jet lag
- Improves sleep and insomnia
- Improves creativity, healing, and visualisation
- Expands awareness and heightens senses
- Enhances mental clarity and deepens your mental state
- Helps with anxiety, depression, and motivation
- Helps with PTSD symptoms
- Decreases the perception of pain
- Relieves bones, joints, muscles, aches, pains, and strains
- Relieves arthritis, migraines, and rheumatism
- Relieves fibromyalgia
- Helps with pregnancy pain
- Increases blood circulation and lowers blood pressure
- Improves immunity
- Helps athletes produce less cortisol, adrenaline, and lactic acid
- Helps athletes visualise their performance for success
- Helps athletes master the inner game and synchronise mind, body, and emotion
- Reduces the risk of further injury and overtraining
- Resets the body’s chemical & metabolic balance
- Speeds up the healing process and recovery
Frequently asked questions:
What does a session look like?
You arrive at SOUL Wellness Hub, and will be greeted at the front desk, our member of staff who will show you downstairs to the the float room, and explain the process. You shower before, and after the float session. Most people go in the float tank naked, as cloths can be distracting and limit the absorption of magnesium through the skin, but you are welcome to bring a swimming costume or trunks if you prefere. You will be in your own private room, with a shower and a lock on the door. Ear plugs are provided to stop salt getting in your ears, and for a deeper sensory deprivation experience – please make sure you rinse your ears well after a session if you think any salt has entered them. After your session you can relax in our café and lounge area located on the middle floor.
What is it like in a float tank?
In the tank, you are free from external stimuli, and in a state of deep, meditative relaxation. Users in this state report a wide range of reactions and experiences:
The release of tension, a heightened sense of introspection and reflection, and feeling that your mind has completely left the body are all commonly reported experiences. However, your experience will be unique to you and you may need multiple sessions to relax into the experience and feel the tank’s full effect.
How long does a float last?
The session allocated 1 hour in the tank with 10 minuites either side to shower. It is up to you if you spend the full hour in the tank. Some people take at least 20 minutes to fully relax and get into the float session, other people only take a few minutes to relax into the session. Some first timers find an hour is a little long – this is okay, floating can take practice and you can end your session at a time that works for you and your body.
What is sensory deprivation?
Sensory deprivation is the removal of stimuli from the senses. At the most basic level, a blindfold or earplugs are a form of sensory deprivation. In a float tank, sight and sounds are removed. The air and water are also heated to skin temperature so it becomes impossible to know where your skin ends and the water begins. And, of course, you are floating.
Floating in a tank creates the perfect conditions for removing all external stimuli. This is the sensory deprivation element. Your vision is restricted in the pitch black, you can hear nothing but your own body. You are completely buoyant in the Epsom salt water. This leads to a feeling of zero gravity with no real concept of up, down, time or space. The water and air are heated to body temperature so you are unsure where your body ends and the water begins.
The science of sensory deprivation is known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). REST in a float tank has shown a transition from alpha or beta brainwaves to theta, which would ordinarily only occur before sleep and waking. In a flotation tank, theta brain waves occur whilst the user is fully conscious. For many users, this allows for great creativity and problem-solving.
There is also evidence of physical benefits including reduced blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone) and improvements to blood flow. REST is also used by many athletes who claim enhanced recovery and performance.
What is the history of the float tank?
The flotation tank was first invented in 1954 by neuroscientist and psychologist John C Lilly to explore human consciousness.
He wanted to experiment with sensory deprivation and discover what would happen if the brain was deprived of senses and all external stimulation.
The first tank he invented involved wearing a diving mask to block out light and sound whilst completely submerged in an upright chamber filled with water.
Lilly also experimented with psychedelic drugs whilst in the isolation tank, and claimed that the tank allowed him to make contact with creatures from other dimensions.
Book Your Float
Experience the tranquil bliss of a float session.
Your float session will last 1 hour, with 10 mins either side to shower. Please arrive and exit on time.
- You must be 18 years old, or over.
- Please wait two weeks after dying your hair before floating, or until no dye shows on a towel when drying after showering with shampoo.
- If you have a disability please contact us before booking.
Monthly Package
Why not subscribe and save? Enjoy one float a month, plus unlimited saunas for only £39.
Already a member?
Members please call to book by phone.
If you have any questions, or would like more information get in touch.
SOUL Wellness Hub,
Burnley Road,
Sowerby Bridge,
Opening Hours
Mon: 10:00-19:00
Tue: Closed
Wed: 10:00-19:00
Thu: 10:00-19:00
Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat: 10:00-19:00
Sun: 10:00-19:00